TextStyle property. Added public setter to UIMenuItem. RightLabel property. RightLabelStyle property. LeftBadge property. RightBadge property.
BadgeInfo class that allows to create custom badges. LeftBadgeInfo property. RightBadgeInfo property. Added new UIMenuItem. Toggle UIMenu method to allow toggling a checkbox from user code. Style property and UIMenuCheckboxStyle enum allowing to display a cross instead of a tick in checkboxes. Now the setter of UIMenuItem. LabelStyle property. Added TimerBarBase. LabelOffset property.
Highlight property. Accent property. Added TextTimerBar. TextOffset property. Added BarTimerBar. Markers property. Added IconsTimerBar class. A timer bar that displays a list of icons. Added CheckpointsTimerBar class. A timer bar that displays a list of checkpoints.
Pause Menu Added TabView. IsAnyPauseMenuVisible which allows to detect if any pause menu TabView is currently open, including pause menus from different plugins. Added TabView. PauseGame property. Added TabInteractiveListItem. BackingMenu property which returns the UIMenu used internally by the tab item. Instructional Buttons Added InstructionalButtonGroup that allows displaying multiple buttons in a single slot. Added IInstructionalButtonSlot interface. Added IInstructionalButtonSlot.
BindedControl which binds a GameControl to a slot, allowing the user to click it which simulates pressing the control InstructionalButtons. MouseButtonsEnabled needs to be set to true. Added InstructionalButtons. BackgroundColor property. MaxWidth property. MouseButtonsEnabled property. Added support for displaying arbitrary key icons in help prompts. Misc Added HudColor enum.
Added TextStyle structure. Added TextFont enum. Added TextJustification enum. Added an overload to BigMessageHandler. ShowMpMessageLarge that allows to specify the subtitle string. Fixes UIMenu Improved performance. Fixed UIMenu display issues in large resolution setups. Fixed crashes when UIMenu has no items. Fixed slight flicker when changing menus i. Timer Bars Fixed timer bars from different TimerBarPool s overlapping, including timer bars from different plugins.
Fixed timer bars overlapping the game native timer bars. Pause Menu Fixed background post-fx remaining active when unloading a plugin with a TabView open. Fixed drawing position of TabView. Misc Fixed BigMessageHandler. ShowMpMessageLarge showing a hardcoded string as the subtitle. Fixed BigMessageHandler.
ShowColoredShard using textColor and bgColor parameters incorrectly, textColor was used as the background color and bgColor as the text color. Fixed game recording stopping when opening a menu. Title property as obsolete in favor of UIMenu. Marked UIMenu. Subtitle property as obsolete in favor of UIMenu.
Removed UIMenuItem. IsControlBeingPressed method as obsolete. HasControlJustBeenPressed method as obsolete. HasControlJustBeenReleased method as obsolete. Removed UIMenu. SetKey Common. MenuControls, Keys overload. Removed MenuPool. Changed UIMenu. SetKeyAcceleration on the parent menu when selecting the item.
WidthOffset setter. Marked UIMenuItem. SetVerticalPosition int method as obsolete. Draw method as obsolete. Offset property as obsolete. LeftBadge public setter. RightBadge public setter. RightLabel public setter. Misc Updated to. NET Framework v4. Marked StringMeasurer class as obsolete. Changelog Fixed crashes when using the BigMessageHandler class.
Changelog Fixed performance issues in game patch v Changelog Fixed PauseMenu. TabView not receiving input. Changelog Added MIT license. Added BaseCollection class. Items as obsolete. Marked old constructors as obsolete. Add InstructionalButtons class. Add UIMenu. AddItem overload that accepts an index. Renamed UIMenuItem. Position method to SetVerticalPosition. Marked Position method as obsolete. Changelog Improve scrolling controls not as sensitive as before.
Items to be able to modify the items after its creation. Fix texture flickering in UIMenu. To see what changes are coming and provide better feedback to React Native contributors, use the latest release candidate when possible.
Changes introduced in a release candidate will have been shipped to production Facebook apps for over two weeks by the time the release candidate is cut. The most recent stable version will be used automatically whenever a new project is created using the npx react-native init command.
The documentation for versions below 0. React Native versions Open source React Native releases follow a monthly release train that is coordinated on GitHub through the react-native-releases repository.